If you have been a believer for a long time, you probably have a whole list of recommendations you have gathered through the years, guidance from your pastors and teachers, on how to live a Christ-centered life and continue to grow and mature in your spiritual walk. If you are new to the faith, below are some of the basic common themes to living a fulfilled life as a follower of Christ.
Critical steps for maturing in your spiritual walk:
Study the Bible, the Word of God frequently, preferably, at least once a day. Just as phyiscal food gives nourishment to our physical body, so the Word gives spiritual nourishment to our spiritual body. The spiritual body and the physical body are intertwined. Both need to be nurtured for a fulfilled, healthy life.
Pray for the Lord to empower you through the Holy Spirit, to understand and help you apply what you’ve learnt from your daily reading in your daily walk.
Memorize verses. They will come in handy during the day, when you need quick guidance, or encouragement.
Pray for your needs, and the needs of your family, church, local community and the global community regularly. Keep informed about local and global needs.
Serve others, as the Lord lays on your heart. Caveat, there are many needs in the world today, locally and abroad. You can’t fulfill them all. Don’t try to boil the ocean. Pray for guidance on which area of serving others you should focus, then pray for strength to be a committed and reliable servant of God.
Attend church, or corporate worship, regularly, preferably, at least once a week.
Give to your local church, and to responsible Christ-centered organizations, as the LORD leads. (When you give, be humble, don’t brag about it).
Be obedient and humble. Humility and obedience to the LORD go hand in hand. Choose to honour God above people. As long as you are in right standing with the LORD, He will guide you and direct your path.
Continue to wait in hope for the return of the Lord Jesus, the very reason we believers do what we do.