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Definition of a Christian

Man reading Bible

Christians, also known as Followers of Christ, are those who have elected to submit the task of managing their lives to God through Jesus Christ for the purpose of spending eternity with God and also to live a more focused and purposeful life while here on earth. Becoming a follower of Christ requires a one time free-will act of acknowledging our need for a Savior, because we cannot become good enough to approach God, at His level, in our own strength. This is a one time act, but the evidence of the transformation process takes a life-time, as we grow deeper in our relationship with God and become more like Christ every day. We are saved the moment we commit our lives to God (if we meant it), but the deepening of our maturity as godly people, takes time. Jesus called it bearing fruit (John 15: 5). Paul called it moving from glory to glory, (2 Cor 5: 17; 3: 18).

A follower of Christ who submits to God’s guidance daily lives a sanctified life.

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